

Title: Facing the Biodiversity Crisis: Investigating Extinction Risk of Gastropods under a Genomic Perspect...

Funding Source: HFRI (ΕΛΙΔΕΚ)

Budget: 120,000€

Start / End Date: 2022 - 2024

Principal Investigator: Panagiota Kotsakiozi


Title: Climate Change Metagenomic Record Index (CCMRI): a dynamic researcher-notification and sample class...

Funding Source: HFRI (ΕΛΙΔΕΚ)

Budget: 200,000€

Start / End Date: 2022 - 2025

Principal Investigator: Evangelos Pafilis


Title: PlastOmics: Discovery of novel enzymes for the bioconversion of plastics using multi-omics...

Funding Source: HFRI (ΕΛΙΔΕΚ)

Budget: 55,824€

Start / End Date: 2022 - 2025

Principal Investigator: Anastasia Gioti